The TEMPO Difference

TEMPO School is an independent school in Edmonton that offers a traditional approach to academics and adheres to traditional learning methods. With specialized teachers, smaller class sizes, and a clear curriculum, it is no wonder TEMPO School has been consistently rated as one of the top schools in Alberta. TEMPO also offers other benefits that might be less obvious. We call this the TEMPO difference.

You notice the TEMPO difference the minute you drive into the parking lot. At TEMPO School, there is no such thing as parent/teacher interviews: communication is open and transparent. Every day is an opportunity for parents to connect with teachers and to be a part of their children’s success.

If you walk through the TEMPO hallways, you notice that teachers greet students by name. This environment, in which all children are recognized for who they are, breeds a sense of closeness and confidence in the students. This environment also fosters a safe space in which students learn and grow academically, excel, and do great things.

All students understand that serious academic education is the priority at TEMPO School. While this is undoubtedly the case, a strong sense of community exists.  Most students attend the school from kindergarten to grade 12 resulting in a bond that is formed among students from an early age.  You will often find, for example, students collaborating and working together to help one another to succeed. All students take pride in moving forward together and doing well as a group. Nevertheless, a healthy competitive spirit prevails among students as they are naturally motivated to try to do their best.

While many teachers at TEMPO School use current technology, there are limited distractions for students during classes. Children leave their cellphones, Smart Watches, tablets, cameras, and other electronic devices in their lockers, and the academic teaching methodology continues to be teacher directed. Books and even chalkboards remain the fundamental and integral part of the teaching process.

The welcoming tone, the sense of community, and the commitment to academics are only some of the factors that differentiate TEMPO from other schools. Discover the TEMPO difference for yourself by contacting us today.



Tempo School: A Unique Perspective

Tempo School is a private school in Edmonton that was founded on traditional, fundamental teaching values. Because of the school’s curriculum and teacher-directed methodology, Tempo offers a unique learning experience and equips children for success through the promotion of academic excellence and a nurturing learning environment.

As a former student at Tempo, Scarlett experienced the benefits of attending the school. She attended Tempo from Kindergarten to graduation. In describing her experience at Tempo, Scarlett said, “During my Tempo years, I had wonderful teachers who taught us not only how to manage an advanced curriculum but also how to learn. I was taught how to study, write tests, and learn from others, as well as how to learn independently. Most important, the teachers wanted me to succeed. They were uncompromising in their standard of excellence, and did all they could to support me and my parents in my endeavour to succeed.”

In addition to the importance of academics, it was the relationships that Scarlett formed with her peers and teachers that made her educational years memorable. “What I remember most are times with friends. We played soccer in the field behind the school, had fun playing games on Sports Day, and laughed with friends during breaks. All of the teachers were memorable in their own ways. One thing the teachers had in common was what we thought were amazing lives before they came to Tempo. As students, we loved the days when they would let us distract them from our usual studies and just tell us stories of their lives.”

Scarlett learned that exceptional academics and positive role models can transform a child’s educational experience. Because of this, she was inspired to become a teacher herself with the intent of giving back to the private school that gave her so much. “I wanted to teach at Tempo because I have seen first-hand the great things children can achieve when we don't underestimate them.” As a teacher now at her former school, Scarlett is able to be a positive role model for students, just as her teachers once were for her.

Scarlett’s story does not stop there. After Scarlett became a mother, the decision as to where she should enrol her children was clear: both of her children would attend Tempo School. “I chose Tempo for my children because I knew they would learn good life skills and benefit by being instructed in a school with an outstanding curriculum. They would learn to respect their elders as well as their peers in an environment in which they themselves would be respected. I would also have peace of mind knowing that my children would be taught in a traditional way that has proven, over time, to be very successful. My children are now making their own memories and wonderful friends at this great school.” 

Years ago, Scarlett’s parents gave her a gift by enrolling her at Tempo School. Scarlett has now passed that gift on to her children enabling them to enjoy the benefits of Tempo School. You too can begin the tradition of excellence for your family by enrolling your child at Tempo School.

The Path to Success: Tempo School

For Harish Prabhakar, being prepared for university was important to him. That is why Harish chose to attend Tempo School in his grade 12 year. He believed Tempo would help to prepare him for future success. His choice to attend was influenced by the opportunity this small private school brings: superior instruction, stronger student-to-teacher relationships, and excellent preparation for university.

What first stood out to Harish when he came to Tempo School was the small class sizes. From a school in which 35 students per class was the norm to a class of only 8 students, the attention he received was a very welcome change.  As Harish stated, “I find it easier to receive instruction from my teachers on a more personal level that corresponds to my own individual learning needs. All of my teachers have been more than willing to help me outside school hours and have given me every opportunity to become successful. Because of the much lower student-to- teacher ratio, I find it more convenient to get help during class from teachers.”

Harish also noticed his peers’ commitment to academic excellence. “Upon learning that Tempo is among the top schools in Alberta, I decided I would have to work hard in order to fit in. Through this, I learned to employ a work ethic which has led to the superior marks I am now receiving.”

Harish found the learning environment at Tempo School to be more cohesive than that found in other schools he attended. “During just the first few days, I noticed the closeness everyone had with one another and the sense of cooperation that certainly was lacking in my previous schools. As the months rolled by, it was impossible to ignore the fact that I was faced with many fewer opportunities for distraction and that maintaining focus was considerably easier as a result. Was it on account of the small class size or was it just Tempo’s atmosphere? Perhaps it was a combination of both; in any case, this has definitely proven to be something exclusive to Tempo.”

Currently, Harish has multiple university prospects from which to choose. He attributes his success to the training and preparation he has received at Tempo School. In Harish’s words, “It is very evident that the small class sizes and the excellent learning environment have contributed to my ongoing success at Tempo. I have attended many different schools and, by far, Tempo has been the most academically rewarding choice for me.”

Contact Tempo today to discover how this private Edmonton based school can be academically rewarding and set you on your path to success.

Mathematics Matter: Traditional Teaching at Tempo School


Tempo School is an independent school in Edmonton that was founded in 1963 on traditional educational values. Dr. George Cormack, an educator and medical professional, saw a need in Edmonton for an alternative choice of schooling founded on traditional teacher-directed learning methods. He was concerned that in the quickly changing educational world, many of the core values, time-tested practices, and educational goals were being replaced by dubious innovations and novelties. Tempo School concentrates its energy exclusively on academic subjects. For example, Tempo places great emphasis on the mastery of mathematics, seen as a foundation for subsequent learning.  

In recent years, the public education system has moved away from traditional methodology to what is today called the discovery learning method. Gone are the days when children learn formulas, fractions, and how to add and subtract using stacking. Instead, children are encouraged to discover a mathematical problem with very little guidance. Because children are not learning the building blocks of mathematics, they often lack the confidence required to deepen their understanding of the subject matter. With this shift, parents have become increasingly worried that their children are not being taught basic mathematical principles that enable them to become successful.

Since 2003, Canadian students have experienced a decline in their results and achievements on the Programme for International Student Assessment ranking (PISA ranking). The PISA reviews students’ understanding of mathematics, reading, and science in 72 countries. Canada has shown a steady decrease in its ranking in recent years. Many experts believe this is a direct result of moving away from time-tested, traditional educational practices.

At Tempo School, teachers work with an absolutely clear and precise curriculum. Fundamentals are taught early on. Students in the early grades learn the basics in mathematics, and this provides them with the foundation to proceed in their education. Students first learn mental calculations, algorithms, vertical additions, automatic recalls, and times tables. Once students understand these principles, they are better able to calculate and solve complex problems. Tempo students must first master the fundamentals so that they have the confidence and skills that allow them to be successful in their academic work as they move forward.

As a result of Tempo School’s long-standing traditional approach to education (54 years), the school ranks among the top schools in the country.  Over the years Tempo students have consistently excelled in mathematical competitions. They have won both national and provincial mathematics championship titles on many occasions.  In 2007 and 2016, for example, Tempo School Grade 6 students achieved first place in the Canadian National Mathematics League competitions. In addition, Tempo School ranked first in the provincial diploma exams (2015-2016) in the subject of Mathematics 30-1. Tempo School also ranked fifth in Alberta for overall academic performance.

The faculty, students, and parents take pride in the history of Tempo School and the fundamental values on which the school was built. Through proven teaching methods, Tempo School offers students a very challenging intellectual experience.


Commitment and Dedication: The Teachers at Tempo School


The teachers at Tempo School understand that their work matters, and this shows in their determination to see students succeed. At Tempo School, teachers are committed to excellence and are dedicated to investing in those they teach.

Committed to excellence

As you walk into the staff room at Tempo School, you will find each teacher sitting quietly at a workstation, concentrating on lesson preparation for the week.Traditional, teacher-directed learning is the model used at the private school located in Edmonton, Alberta. Consequently, teachers take personal responsibility for ensuring top-­‐level education. As Mr. Hiedebrecht, a history teacher stated, “Here my colleagues are invested in their careers; they want to make this school a great school. They care about their students and they care about one another.”

The teachers are also experts in their fields of study. From B. Eds to PhDs, most of the teachers are specialized in the subject matter they teach. This specialization allows for an enhanced curriculum and for an extensive emphasis on a child’s academic advancement. 

Dedicated to Students 

At Tempo, the student/teacher relationship is unique and unlike that in any other school. Here, students derive the benefits from attending a school from kindergarten to grade 12. In addition to this, staff members are very deeply committed to the philosophy and practices of the school.  Because of this long-term familiarity, strong lasting relationships are built.

Mr. Gannon, who has taught biology and international politics for 16 years, finds the family culture of the school and the relationships developed at the school to be incredibly rewarding. “You get to see the students from the time they are in kindergarten until the time they graduate. You get to be involved in all their educational years.” The relationships go beyond graduation: students stay in touch and return to the school to visit their former teachers, most of whom have inspired them throughout their grade-school years. 

At Tempo, the focus is to equip students for university and for their endeavours thereafter. Every year, the Head of Upper School prepares and guides high school students through the university application process. For senior students, it’s not a matter of if they are going to university: it’s a matter of where they are going to university. And, more often than not, students have multiple options from which to choose. 

Commitment to both excellence and dedication guide the teachers at Tempo School to do what they do best: to educate and to equip their students for success.

Click to learn more about Tempo School, where teachers see more than a classroom: they see a calling.